Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cookbook Review: Cheap, Fast, Good!

After having recently come across a mention of this cookbook I reserved a copy from my local library to read.
If  you are struggling with the food budget (and most of us are these days) and trying to put together meals that are not only healthy and tasty but also inexpensive I recommend you give this book a look-see.
Not only are there recipes there are large sections of helpful advice such as 'buying a freezer', 'the conventional wisdom of food cost savings', 'other places to shop', 'how to use a big hunk of ham', and my personal favorite:  'making school lunches reasonable'. There are side notes for almost every recipe as well.
The book is divided into several chapters you'd expect to see: soups, salads, entrees, dessert as well as a few unusual specialty topics : batch cooking, coupon advice, and a review of the author's own $100 a week experiment.

It certainly made a for a good read and I picked up a few ideas I intend to implement as well as several recipes I intend to try out in my own kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review. I've placed a hold on a copy thru the CT state library-a free service that I can take advantage of. : )
