Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July groceries

young woman pushing a shopping cart full of groceries image  Yesterday oldest daughter asked if I would take her to BJ's since she doesn't have a membership. She is currently in the midst of some major life changes and one of her goals is to stock up her pantry to tide her over while she concentrates on other aspects of her life. I was happy to do so. I still had the cash she'd given me and decided to hang on to this for July groceries and expected sundry expenses (haircut, friend from out of town coming in so I expect we will do lunch) banking my upcoming cleaning job pay next week.
Since I stocked us up I only had a few minor, un-necessary yet requested purchases of my own but was happy to go along and let her take advantage of my membership. I myself limited my spending to $41.19. I picked up a clearance ankle length black skirt for myself for $12.98.  My youngest granddaughter's baptism is coming up in August and I figured I could pair this nicely with a dressy top I already own. I also bought a package of 18 terrycloth 'shop' towels from the automotive section to use as cleaning/general purpose around the house for $10. I use something similar at work and like them very much. My current stock of stained kitchen towels/old bath towels cut down/old shirts is getting thin due to age. These towels will boost that up nicely.
Grocery-wise I picked up two large containers of drink mix, one of lemonade and one of iced tea. Personally I prefer a plain iced tea but adult son and college age kids voted for this. I will make myself a water sized bottle of iced tea each morning from my stock of tea bags and let them go to town with the other stuff. I figure it should last at least through the summer. I also picked up a ball of fresh mozzarella, a bag of ciabatta rolls, a large container of onion chip dip and two bags of chips (also requested by kids who claim we have nothing good to eat). $18.21 cash on food/drink.
My oldest also wanted to stop at a local small market that recently opened (and where youngest son's girlfriend works!). I spent another $10.59 on a pineapple, a bag of cherries, a container of mushrooms, and a bag of green leaf lettuce. All items were priced reasonably. I still prefer my local year round farmer's market and will be making a trip over there later on today.
So far between last week and yesterday I have spent $32.58 on July groceries out of the $200 I budgeted. I'd say stocking up in May and June is serving us well and I hope to be able to get through the entire month of September with minimal grocery expense.
I ended my day by treating myself to something special for dinner. All of the kids were gone at various friend's houses so I got myself a Chinese dinner for one from my favorite carry-out for $10. Not only did I have a terrific dinner last night but I took the leftover steamed white rice added milk, sugar and cinnamon and warmed it up in the microwave for breakfast today. And I have enough pork lo mein leftover that it will be lunch for myself and college age kids today! Three meals for $10 isn't bad.

1 comment:

  1. I always say that "pound for pound" Chinese food is your best bargain if/when choosing to dine out.
