Thursday, June 4, 2015

Counting down and looking ahead

Looking Ahead illustrations and clipart  Tomorrow is the last day of the school year and frankly after the year I have had it can't come too soon. I plan on leaving all of the controversies behind me. I had some encouraging news from daughter K who works at the hospital, my application has been set aside for a face to face interview during the next round of interviewing. All that remains is to be patient until I get the phone call. And prayer. Lots of prayer that they offer me a position.
In the meantime I am wrapping things up at work and looking ahead to at least a couple of weeks of downtime. I have my menu plans in place. So far this week I have not had to cook at all. I came home on Monday to a pizza that college age son and his girlfriend had ordered. Tuesday my aftercare boss took the staff out to dinner and last night I ate the leftovers I brought home from the night before. Tonight is going to just be me since college age son & adult son are working and college age daughter will be at her boyfriend's house. I plan on the veggie omelet option. I also received a $50 gift card to Target from the aftercare boss that I will use to get a new clothesline and clothespins (my old ones vanished during the great tree cutting weekend last fall). I have set aside $50 for flowers and herbs to decorate the front porch and back patio. I will continue to get a paycheck from my current employment until the middle of August (and will return to the part time cafeteria position next school year) so the bills will be paid, I will do the 2 times a month cleaning job for grocery money and adult son will contribute to the household expenses as he has been. But starting a new job would be a godsend. Once again, lots of prayer.