Monday, October 15, 2012

Party Planning on a budget

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When thinking over my October expenses I knew that they would have to include an 18th birthday party for my youngest daughter. Saturday was the big day and we had 25 people (including myself & daughter). My gentleman friend was nice enough to open his home (far larger than mine) and purchase a sheet sized ice cream cake for this. As for the menu I decided to do several chip & dip combos and two weekends ago purchased a few favorites from Robert Rothschild Farm:

Robert Rothschild Farm Howlin Halloween DipI paired this spicy dip up with tortilla chips.

Robert Rothschild Farm Spiced Maple Pumpkin DipThis one was paired with cinammon pita chips. The final dip I purchased was this one served with pretzel sticks:
Robert Ro...

Several family members also contributed some dips and chips and I made a huge salad, garlic bread, and an enormous amount of penne with homemade sauce.

Dessert was Halloween themed cupcakes my daughter made and the sheet cake:

\Total cost for food, drink, and paper goods was just under $200. At $8 per person I am satisfied with this amount and it was within budget.

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