After GF returned home from his half day of work we went out to BJ's. I spent $63.15. I brought home a case of Arizona green teas that I will take into work for my own use, a large bottle of Mrs Dash seasoning for the cafeteria for $4.99 that I will be reimbursed for, a pumpkin scented jar candle, a pumpkin themed candle topper, a pumpkin spice car air freshener, a dozen apple cider donuts, and a case of Hershey bars that I will hand out at Halloween.
Our final stop was Home Depot where I spent $110. 17 on home improvement items. I picked up 7 new glass globes for my dining room chandelier and the two wall sconces by the living room fireplace. The two globes originally in the living room both got broken and three out of the five dining room globes were severely cracked. This light fixture is 20 years old so I didn't feel too bad having to purchase new globes for it. I also purchased a new hanging light for my front porch ceiling. The current light is almost 30 years old and looking pretty rough. I am still plugging along at a curb appeal update on the exterior of the house and this is something I've been planning on doing. Adult son will switch out the fixtures. (My plan also includes a small 3 foot high white picket fence in front of the walkway leading to the porch as well as new shutters on both the first floor and second floor windows facing the road). I purchased a can of 'gap filler' for adult son to use in closing up a smallish hole we noticed at the top of the foundation at the back of the house. We suspect this is how our re-occurring mice issue begins. And I picked up a 3x5 foot red area rug for under the kitchen table. The floor of the 'nook' area where the table is only has a crawlspace area beneath it instead of basement and it gets quite cold in the fall and winter months. The rug will help keep our feet warm when we sit there.
I still have a couple of small items I intend to purchase today. The local Kohls is having a sale and I have a 10% off coupon for use this weekend that I will utilize. I intend to get a new fall tablecloth for the kitchen table, a dress shirt and tie for youngest son to wear to the Homecoming Dance, and hopefully a polar fleece leaf themed throw blanket for the living room love seat to match the one I purchased last year for the couch.
An expense end to the month but since it was mostly for household items we needed and work clothes to replace old shirts I had to recreate into cleaning rags I can't complain too much. I am just thankful that I am back to work and can get these things taken care of. And I will be getting back about $61.75 of what I spent from work.
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