As it turned out both sons were gone at dinner time so it was just me. I scraped the Moroccan glaze idea and simply seasoned these with Penzey's Greek Seasoning.
I found myself with two leftover chops which I bagged up and stuck in the refrigerator.
Wednesday night found me going out after work with a long time friend to an in and out Pampered Chef sale. Once I reached home at 8:30 pm there were no kidlets at home and I was mighty hungry. I grabbed one of the lamb chops, added some pressed garlic and rosemary to both sides and gave it a quick heat up in the microwave (since I'd cooked them to medium rare the night before I knew it could stand the microwave without turning into shoe leather) after cooking up a small portion of egg noodles which I doctored with butter and parmesan cheese. Sliced tomatoes on the side and I was eating dinner by 8:45.
Thursday night I knew youngest son would be working and college age daughter had let me know she was once again going to be studying late at the BF's house. Adult son J works his second part time job (which he has had since high school) on Thursdays so I was once again alone. I have to confess I was a bit tired of lamb and seriously considered using youngest son's 50% off pizza discount from his job but with the high price of lamb in general and the low bottom line in my check book I couldn't bring myself to leave that lamb chop linger in the refrigerator and risk having to toss it out and spend the little money in my wallet ($7) on eating out. Instead I cubed up the lamb, made a quick curry sauce, steamed some basmati rice, threw in the leftover peas from Tuesday night and voila, lamb curry! Another meal in 20 minutes.
I never once suspected I'd get three night's dinners out of that small package of on sale lamb chops.
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