Last weekend was busy, I worked my twice monthly cleaning job then spent a nice afternoon and evening with the GF. Sunday we had an anniversary party to attend that was really fun.
Monday it was back to work but I got some excellent news. My aftercare boss offered my college age daughter a job with the program as well. So L started working with us on Tuesday. She also surprised me by cleaning the whole house Monday before I arrived home. We celebrated her new job and the clean house with a pizza, purchased by youngest son H from his place of employment using his 50% discount. So we continued to be frugal as well.
Tuesday night was hectic. After arriving home to find youngest son unexpectedly called into work and adult son working both jobs I decided it wasn't worth the little amount of energy I had left to cook. College age daughter L had already been dropped off at her BF's house so I took advantage of the little bit of cash in the wallet and the drive through at Popeye's chicken to pick up their $1.39 2 piece chicken special. I paired it with cottage cheese and a big glass of ice water since we broke record heat levels here that day.
Wednesday night GF came by to pick up an extra washer we had in our basement for his sister. Her machine died and she really did not have funds to replace it. I was happy, happy, happy to gift this machine to her and to free up the space it was using. Daughter K also stopped by to borrow my sewing machine. She is starting a reusable shopping bag project at her house. It was nice to have a short visit with the grandsons. Even after hours spent with 5 year olds. LOL. No cooking Wednesday night since GF thought he'd surprise me with chicken since it continued to be beastly hot. More Popeyes for dinner. I didn't have the heart to tell him I'd just eaten this the night before.
Thursday I finally had a bit of energy after work. I dropped L at the BF's house and then went home and did a load of laundry and put together a pot of Pasta Carbonara with peas as a side dish. When youngest son H came home from his job the two of us enjoyed a nice meal together. There was enough for adult son J to have once he finally reached home as well. And the heat finally broke and we had a wild storm blow through here. I think my renewed energy is directly related to the temperatures.
I must do better meal wise next week. All this 'fast' food is not good for the wallet or the waistline. And we will be eating out ("Booster hot dogs") again tonight at the football game.
Today is pay day!! I have already paid the three utility bills that were due online, transferred money into savings towards the big tire purchase, and began to create a grocery shopping list. I will shop tomorrow and I plan on stocking up on some items that got really low while we went through a lean August and half of September. My plan for this weekend since our only social obligation is the Friday night football game to watch H march in the band is to get my shopping done and create October menus as well as choosing ahead of time what exactly I will cook during the week next week.
And of course since there is no rest for the wicked I also have some work to do for my cafeteria job as well at home. I need to get October lunch packets labeled and assembled and ready to go in the backpack mail this week.
But my biggest plan is to sleep, rest, relax, and get myself refreshed for the coming week!
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