Sunday: $39 to fill up the SUV with gas (although I did buy gas at the cheapest station around here at $3.10 a gallon); $30.91 at BJ's for Smart balance spread,furniture polish, and dishwasher detergent; $26.14 at Target for Murphy's Oil soap, Lysol kitchen cleaner, & a heart patterned apron to wear for work next month (I also used a $25 gift card I got for Christmas to get two more throw pillows for the living room and a set of 3 heart shaped springform pans). $9.99 at Bed, Bath and Beyond for a boot/shoe holder for by the side door (this will cut down on the number of times I need to mop the kitchen floor since we can remove boots/shoes and stick them in the holder to dry out).
Total out of pocket expenditures for my expensive Sunday: $106.04 (totally paid for from my twice monthly cleaning job with cash leftover for weekly bowling expense and trip to the Farmer's Market).
Monday: $0
Tuesday: Bowling $36 (this was for two weeks, even though the sub bowled last week I still had to pay) Farmer's Market: $28.02
Wednesday: $0
Thursday: $0
Friday: Electric bill :$104.95 (and still an estimated amount even after I complained to customer service, I will be braving the weather and reading my own meter from now on)
Internet bill: $47.07 (seems like everytime I turn around this bill has been increased with some fee, I shopped around but to change would mean an initial outlay of $150 to purchase a modem. We are already on the 'slowest' plan there is with Time Warner. I will be keeping an eye out for deals that would mean a significant savings even with a modem purchase, so far nothing has appeared).
Loan Payment : $170.15. I requested a payout amount since I finished my taxes yesterday and have a healthy return due to me. Once those funds are in my account I will pay off this loan and pay an entire year of my property taxes which actually decreased this year! The additional $170 I will then have from not having this obligation will go into the savings account.
Saturday: $0
Total expenditures:
Gas: $39
Food: $34.02 ($5.99 for smart balance plus Farmer's Market run) food expenditure this month is around $101...very happy with that!
Household items (health/beauty/cleaning/papergoods): $61.05
Bowling: $36
Monthly bills: $322.17
Even with all that I had 4 'free' days with no expenditures at all!!
Looking forward to the next week I anticipate spending $103.00 on my cell phone (a ridiculous amount given the number of better plans but I'm stuck in the contract until December when changes will be made), about $25 on a birthday gift for one of my nephews, $50 to youngest daughter as my half of the cost of her trip to DC with church youth group, $50 to youngest son for his birthday gift (he is saving for driver's ed), another $70 to purchase salad ingredients, ice cream and pop as my contibution to the joint nephew/youngest son birthday party next week, and I have to give middle sister my portion of the costs for surprise 50th anniversary party for oldest sister in February since total bill needs to be paid by Feb. 1st :$75 (since gentleman friend insisted on paying for both our meals plus youngest son and daughter's meals...sis and I are splitting the anniversary couple's costs and I am picking up the cost for another daughter who is going through a very tough financial period). I do clean next weekend though so that cash will easily cover the birthday party expenses and most of the cost of anniversary party. Once again that twice a month cleaning gig is such a blessing.
ReplyDeleteCheck Walmart for a modem. When I moved into this rental, I contacted our cable/Internet company about hooking up service and when making the service appointment, they told me to get my own modem, which the tech would install(or use theirs for $$$). WM has a variety of modems, a variety of speed and Wifi "strength"-I chose a slightly stronger one as this is a spread out ranch (2700 sq feet) with alot of stonework that would interfere with signals. My wireless router/modem cost well under $75, if i recall correctly.
Mom, call Direct TV about internet service. They have plans with both AT&T and Verizon that allows you to save money on internet and tv (kind of like a joint plan). I pay $24.99/month for internet service and it was $100 for the modem, which I can hook up for you since I did mine myself. You may even be able to talk Direct TV into giving you, say, a 12 month discount for switching over from Time Warner and merging your TV and internet.