I cleaned at both my regular bi-monthly office cleaning job and my bi monthly house cleaning job , the income from both of these plus a small amount out of savings paid for daughter's fall tuition that wasn't covered by her excellent financial aide package. I transferred the remaining money for summer costs from my savings into my checking and paid mortgage, car payment, insurances, and utilities (except for electric which isn't due till mid month and cell phone which will be paid with money from upcoming cleaning ).
Other than these expected and mandatory expenses here is how the week went:
7/28: $0
7/29: $0
7/30:$ 5 on movies; $12 on haircut for youngest son
7/31:$65 on eating out to celebrate youngest daughter's acceptance into school and her tuition being paid. This was an outing we'd planned ahead of time.
8/1: $0
8/2: $28 on haircut (includes tip) for myself
8/3: $0
Even with the eating out expenditure I am extremely happy with this week. Four days out of seven were ZERO dollar days. The haircuts were necessary expenses. While not necessary the eating out and the movies were entertainment expenses that I'd already counted on. The movie money and half the dinner money came from cash in my wallet instead of money in my checking, leaving that money for bills, groceries, and gas. I did very little driving so did not need to fuel up the SUV this week. All this bolsters up my belief that I can definitely get through August on an extremely slim budget.
Wow! a great week you had!