Also another part-time job with the aftercare group is up for grabs. The pay rate is darned good (better than the rate of pay at Aldi where I dropped off an application on Sunday) and the hours are good too (4 per day M-F so no weekend hours which also makes it more attractive than Aldi). Other pluses are that the job begins shortly after my regular one ends AND I don't have to spend money on gas to get there. I'm already there! I checked with the business manager to see if she'd have a problem with me going for this position and she did not so I emailed the director and am waiting to hear back. The drawback to this is that once again it is only during the school year. It will mean an overhaul to the household budget and a strict savings plan. But that shouldn't be a problem and I always have the option to picking up a 'summer' job.
We shall see what happens and in the meantime I am keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed!
I was only in to work until noon so I came home and did some minor chores as well as watched a couple shows I'd dvr'd from Sunday night.
Dinner was only myself and adult son J. When a package of two eye round steaks slipped out of the deep freezer and hit my foot I knew what the two of us were having. :-) Grilled steaks and corn. Simple, quick, and delicious!
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