I took care of bills first, paid the mortgage and the car payment. Received the electric bill via email and reviewed it over the phone with adult son. He has been running his A/C unit in his room while the weather was hot and the bill was as expected about $40 higher than it should have been. We still had a $32 credit but he has offered to pay the full $40 amount and have me take the credit on the normal portion of the bill. The bill isn't due until almost the end of the month so it can linger until adult son pays me his portion plus the money he gives me each month towards the household budget . Cell phone will be paid next week with the money I earn cleaning at my regular twice a month job.
2.I baked a loaf of bread this morning at GF's house. For breakfast I had a bowl of cream of wheat, for lunch I had leftover skillet lasagna from last night's dinner. Tonight's dinner was pork schnitzel, homemade spaetzle and cabbage, and green beans.
3. I spent most of the day relaxing with a library book and/or playing a computer game I enjoy.
4. I did make one trip out to get my hair trimmed. I'd put this off an extra week since my last cut and I had budgeted for this.
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