I had one of the nicest weekends I have had in a long time. I expected to have to work on Saturday but GF got all crazed about me cleaning three times in a month (despite my pointing out that there were 3 Saturdays regularly scheduled for cleaning before we switched my days around due to his going out of town twice) so I chose to take this Saturday off. There is a whole huge story that goes along with GF's attitude that I just won't visit here.
So instead I did HIM a favor by taking his dog out while the realtor showed his house (for those who remember or care YES it is on the market AGAIN). Then I refused to do anything except make dinner and read a library book for the rest of the day. I threw two steaks from his freezer on the grill and served them up with canned corn and baked potatoes.
Sunday was GF's annual family picnic. I made some Hawaiian coleslaw and tried a new dessert from Pintrest: Canoli Poke Cake (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/79516749647696300/). It was a keeper as they say. GF provided burgers and hot dogs with buns and condiments and beverages and everyone else brought a dish to share. It was nice despite the fact that GF was a bit of a toddler (i.e. cranky and overtired) at the end of the evening.
Monday I chose to spend without GF's company, he declined to go with me to the annual parade in my town even when I pointed out it was granddaughter E (his great neice as well)'s first parade. Fine. I can have a good time all alone. And I did. The parade was fun, E was so cute. Then my neighbors (oldest son-E'sdaddy's best friend's family) invited me to join them for their picnic lunch which was great. Afterwards I went home and gave the house a HUGE clean which made me happy. The evening was spent with friend/neighbor in the usual Monday evening manner, porch sitting and visiting with each other. These Monday nights have kept me sane all school year. It is great having a such a good friend at hand.
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