The day finally arrived where the 2015-2016 contracts appeared in our mailboxes and yes I actually received one. Of course it is a contract I cannot sign as it is written. Once again my hours have been cut, this time from my aftercare aide position. We cannot tolerate any more cuts in the amount of money coming in so I will work out the remainder of this school year at that job. Next year I will accept just the cafeteria manager job. And I am seriously hunting for a full time second shift position. I already have two leads to pursue thanks to my adult daughters. I settled on going for a full time job so that I can build up the savings account, pay off my car loan early, and possibly be in a position to then cut back to just the full time job and the twice a month cleaning gig. After discussing the situation with friends and family and praying and sleeping on it I am actually feeling hopeful. And as if a burden has been lifted. And I haven't even gotten another job yet. Just goes to show how anxious my current situation has been making me.
Glad that you at least have part of a job for next year. Agree, find something else, leave that school position when you can, but reduce all debt in the meantime, saving like a madwoman. I find myself at in a place where I have no debt, save some upcoming medical bills (OOP expense to the tune of over a month's gross salary, but medically necessary). When I had to replace my car, I took money out of my "house savings" fund to do so, buying a good, used car. I rent, and just renewed for one more year (get the twins out of school) then I will move to a more affordable community. I live carefully, there are too many unknows. My health issues are of concern, not sure how many more years I can work. Good luck!