This morning I got out all those lunch and drink tickets and trimmed them to a size to fit the plastic protective sleeves they go into (the paper cutter in the school office can only get them so small), separated the tickets out into ordered lunches and non-ordered lunches for tomorrow and placed the tickets I am using tomorrow into the class pouches. We are very low tech at my little school. Still using paper tickets. No fancy scanners and ID badges here. This means tomorrow morning I will be copying each and every ticket in the school office before any of them go to the classrooms. Inevitably someone will lose their ticket before they reach the cafeteria. LOL. I also know that I will be dealing with parents who 'forgot' our first day back was a new lunch month and that means more payments and tickets to process. Processing the ones who were returned promptly Friday and today means my stress level is WAY lower. After all in addition to all this paperwork at the beginning of the day I have to cook lunch for what looks like close to 100 people. By myself. :-)
In any case although I've given up some precious hours of vacation time I am feeling good. I checked my work email this morning and returned an email that needed my prompt attention. As I've mentioned before this year I am one of the three people planning and running the parish fish fry events and this was connected to that. Early planning and prompt attention to my portion of the responsibilities means that I can keep a handle on that stress thing yet again. And to that end I am going to make sure my February and March lunch menus are in place by the middle of this month. I just do not want to be dealing with those while dealing with the extra fry stuff.
Lastly GF and I will be going out to run a couple of errands. We will hit Target so that I can buy sponges for my cafeteria, then to GFS so that I can pick up fresh produce for salads for the days before my delivery arrives. And lastly gassing up my SUV for the week.
I am feeling very productive and getting into that work state of mind!
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