Yesterday my goal was to get the tree undecorated and ready to be transported over to middle daughter's home. SIL wants to cut it up for summer bonfires. I got all of that done. I also got a nice surprise. Adult son had a couple of days off of work and he decided to get a major project underway. Due to a bathroom remodel three years ago plus a leaky second floor porch (now fixed) our kitchen ceiling had some large holes. The porch leak also caused a portion of one of the old plaster walls to crumble and break off the lathe. Adult son has cleared out the kitchen, hung up tarps to block off the room from the rest of the main floor and begun the removal of the remainder of the ceiling! He isn't sure when or how long it will be before he is able to start hanging a new ceiling, it isn't a one man job but both GF and a buddy of his have offered to help. Frankly just getting rid of the old ceiling is an improvement. He will also replace the broken plaster wall with drywall. And he plans to get some insulation into the area under that porch. This is the eating area of the kitchen and has always been noticeably colder than the rest of the room. This will be a plus to both comfort and the heat bill.
Tomorrow the exterior lights and decorations will come down and I will be able to go back to work without these chores hanging over my head.
And GF and I closed out the year with what has become a tradition a trip downtown with his brother and SIL to the casino for dinner, slots, and revelry at midnight. I took $110 with me to gamble and brought $110 home so it was a good night for me. I was prepared to come home with nothing so I am hopeful that this is an indication of good things in the new year.
Happy New Year, Nancy! I always take down the tree and decorations on Jan 1, as it's my day off and an opportunity to get it done before I return to work. Once back at work, we have a week until exams start. Ack! Luckily, I guess, my new boss asked for exams very early (historically it's the Fri before exams start) so my exams have been submitted to her, are run off, all set to go for the second week in Jan. Some colleagues are supposedly working on them over Christmas break-no thanks! I need the R & R!