Woke up and looked out the window this morning and it looks exactly the same as it did out there last night. The radio is reporting spin outs and roads closed and blocked all over the area. And the bitter cold has arrived with temperatures at just about 8 am being in the slightly over single digits. Brrr. Trying to look at this from a positive point of view I am warm, safe, do not need to venture out anywhere, my kids are all warm and safe and we all have plenty of food. And yesterday got off to a good start with a $0 day! Paycheck and death benefits are due to be deposited today into my checking account so I have already balanced the accounts in anticipation for this cash inflow. Later on this afternoon I will pay daughter's college tuition balance, mortgage, car payment, electric bill (amusingly since my email I am now getting regular readings & the bill is actually $8 less than last month), cell phone & internet bill. Homeowners insurance is automatically deducted as is Direct TV and my ancestry.com account. I will just go ahead and put these deductions into my check register. Auto insurance will be deducted after the next payday (even if there are no snow days it will only be a 4 day pay) and the gas bill should roll in around then as well. Based on last month's use-age for heat plus 10% I am holding back enough to cover this from this pay period. This will leave me from this payday the $200 I have budgeted for groceries, the $50 I've budgeted for household, and enough for gas and anything unexpected for the next two weeks. Hopefully I can transfer money into my savings after the next pay period. I am also anticipating my cash back rewards deposit mid month from my bank to ease us through. I'm hoping we won't but thinking it is possible we will have a 'snow' day on Tuesday because of the expect temperatures plunging below zero. With the number of kids walking and waiting at bus stops it is entirely possible school will be called off. A hit to the budget but I'm thinking ahead and hanging on to any extra money now.
Dinner is going to be spaghetti with meatballs, I already have a package of ground beef from GF's freezer defrosting on the counter and he is well stocked with everything I need to make this for dinner. No salad stuff in the house but we do have garlic toast in the freezer. The weathermen are saying the snow will taper off later on today but frankly I am wondering if it is worth the tricky negotiation that is GF's driveway for some lettuce and tomatoes. Maybe we will call the sauce our veggie and be done with it.
Laundry is under way with a load in the dryer and another in the washer. I had just enough bread flour left in GF's pantry to make a loaf of bread and the dough is rising on the counter!
I am starting to get a little cabin fever from being inside so once the snow stops I plan on shoveling GF's driveway for him and taking the dog for a walk!
Sounds like you are making the best of things. BTW-does GF have any canned beans (wax/green/kidney/white/ black etc)? you could serve a 3 or 4 bean salad in a vinaigrette as your salad. Just a thought
ReplyDeleteI wish he did Carol. He is an extremely picky eater. The only beans he eats are green and kidney. The last can of kidney beans in his cupboard got used in chili and we had green beans last night with dinner. We just had the pasta with sauce. He didn't even want garlic bread. Simple meal.