The first goal is purely financial. 2014 is going to bring one major financial change for us. Youngest son will be graduating in June and the death benefits we have been receiving for him will come to an end. I knew this was coming which is one reason I eagerly took the second job working aftercare at school when it became available last August. However having all my eggs in one basket means no paycheck during the long summer months. My plan is to of course save enough money to get us through this time period in the next few months. Beginning in February every spare penny will go towards this goal. At the same time I plan on looking for a summer seasonal job in addition to the twice monthly cleaning gig I already have.
Belt tightening in the form of changing cell phone providers (going tomorrow with adult son to get on the family plan he and college age daughter and youngest son have together will save me $65 a month..significant savings), cutting way back on the areas where we have been lax in watching the budget (clothing, eating out, book purchases), and continuing to keep a tight rein on utilities and grocery expenses will go on.
My second goal is physical. Despite having a job that is physically demanding I don't feel I'm getting enough of the right kind of exercise. I don't want to spend money on a health club membership I will never use so I am going to walk more. I have a couple of indoor walking tapes I will pull out and dust off and get outside as much as possible. I'm hoping GF will join me in this goal. Both of us have blood pressures that are higher than we'd like, I think increased cardio exercise will be beneficial to us both.
My third goal is spiritual. I need to feed my inner self. To this end I am going to devote an additional 30 minutes each day to reading my Bible and spending some time in prayer and reflection. Somewhere I have a woman's daily devotional book that I will dig out and start to use.
Simple and hopefully do-able goals I can meet.
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