I got off to a real nice start yesterday by having a pretty fantastic and frugal Monday. My middle daughter K (she of the soon to be Momma again) suggested a trip to the zoo with my grandson J. She is pretty close to her delivery date and really wanted to get some walking in to help things along. I have a membership to the zoo which includes one free guest. One nice thing about the membership is that my grandchildren as well as children can be on this. Youngest daughter L also wanted to come along and with this membership we knew there would be no admission fee for any of us. K had a checkup at the OB so while she was there I did some minor housework,SSV (or Sweep, Swiffer, Vacuum) in the living room, dining room, & kitchen, got a load of laundry in the washer, unloaded the dishwasher, and wiped down all the kitchen counters. Then we were ready to have some fun. Forgetting that
anyone in the county can get in free on Mondays we were pretty surprised when we reached the zoo. It was so crowded we were parked in a lot I didn't even know they had. We only saw a small fraction of the zoo this trip, between the crowds and the heat K was wiped out pretty quickly. We did grab some lunch, McD's, at the food court area which was our only expense for the day ($10 for myself & L). Here are a couple of pictures of J & L and our fun time:

We will back there more than once over the summertime. Sometimes we eat there and sometimes we pack food just depending on how we are feeling at the time.
Once we reached home I got my laundry out on the line and a second load washed and hung up as well. I spent an hour or so with a good book then made dinner. After dinner I visited with a neighbor/old friend for a couple of hours just 'porch sitting' and talking.
A really lovely day.
Sounds perfect!