Sunday 3/17: Car wash $10 (I detailed the inside and cleaned wheels and rims myself but that Suv is hard to wash the top of so through the car wash we went) Gas: $50.50
Monday 3/18: $0
Tuesday 3/19: Bowling $18
Wednesday 3/20: $0
Thursday 3/21:$0
Friday 3/22: $0
Saturday 3/23: Target: $55.62 ToysRUs:$52.77 Bed Bath & Beyond: $55.05
Our next stop was Toys R Us for a birthday gift for grandson. He is going to be playing t-ball this summer and his parents wanted something for outdoor play for him. GF and I settled on a T-ball starter set (T with ball return, net for throwing practices, bases for base running practice, ball) and a Louisville Slugger t-ball bat. A roll of sports themed wrapping paper rounded out our purchase.
And then we made a final stop at Bed Bath and Beyond. We had a 20% off coupon and I wanted to get a new pillow (waking up each morning with a stiff neck gave me a hint that it was time to make this purchase) as well as a box of my favorite flavor of Keurig coffee cups. GF also wanted to purchase a new pillow. I spent $55.05 and came home with the coffee cups, 2 donut baking pans (for GF's house), a cup cake batter dispenser (for use next time I do a baking class with aftercare group), an a 3 pack of Stick and Click lights for under the counters in my kitchen (this way we won't have the big florescent light on all the time and will save electricity since these small lights are battery operated). You will notice I did not purchase a pillow. After 20 minutes of debate on pillow types and firmness I really wanted to buy myself the $60 memory foam pillow but did not want to spend that much money. I was about to chose a less expensive $20 pillow when GF offered to buy the pillow for me since he was getting one for himself. So my new pillow was a gift!
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