Thursday, December 31, 2015

What's been cooking

 Having been on vacation from the school and also been off several days from the hospital I have been doing more cooking at home.  I've kept it simple doing pasta with marinara sauce, grilled pork chops, soup from the freezer, etc. On Christmas eve I made our traditional dinner of pork tenderloin balsamico, white and wild rice, salad, rolls and ice cream for dessert. Christmas day I did a roast beef for son's house taking some of that along with leftover rice and salad for my own dinner .  Oldest son packed up leftover turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, corn, roast beef, and mashed potatoes which I made into dinners for my two weekend shifts. Monday I was off for my pre-surgery appointment and had appetizers at my friend V's birthday celebration. Tuesday was my off day and V and I went out to a local bistro for dinner. Yesterday I put together a riff on a Pampered chef recipe penne with Sun dried tomatoes, spinach and grilled chicken.  Today I made a new recipe I found on Pinterest for a honey-garlic shrimp and broccoli. Here is the link:

New Year's resolutions

  I've never been big on resolutions for a new year. But I recently came across an article that mentioned 7 that everyone should do to lay down the foundation of a better life and decided that sounded pretty good.
The first was get out of debt. I feel I am making good progress towards this although my mortgage will not be paid off until a long time in the future. Four more car payments and that will be done leaving me with just the standard insurance and utility bills.
The second was rid your life of toxic people. Clearly I am on my way there since the greatest source of toxicity and negativity in my life is gone. I will surround myself only with those that will help me succeed in life.
The third was to continue to better yourself or get more education. I have already researched getting my medical terminology certification online and plan to take the course once I am back on my feet financially following surgery leave. Then once my year in housekeeping is over I can start applying for those 'office-y" type jobs at the hospital or one of the family health/surgery centers (where you don't work weekends or holidays) within the health care system I am already employed by.
The fourth was exercise more. I have begun this but plan to add some yoga to what I do now.
The fifth was to find happiness within you. I lost that ability somewhere along the road in the last 8 years. I am determined to get that back and never give it up again.
The sixth was to let go of grudges. A hard one when people insist on sharing all the bad details with you but one which I vow to work on diligently. Mostly because I think it will lead me to that happiness within.
And the final one was connect with those you care about. I have been doing that more but will make a concerted effort to do so even more in the future instead of letting life get in the way.
Here's to laying the foundation for a truly awesome new life.

Goodby Annus Horribilis

  As this year draws to a close I realize that it has once again been two months since I sat down and shared life. The last two months have been difficult for me. Just as I felt in a good place following my break-up word spread that the ex-Gf was not the gentleman I thought he was and despite the fact that we will have to occasionally see each other at family functions (he is my daughterinlaw's uncle) thought it would be a grand idea to trash talk me behind my back. I'm a big girl and I can ignore that kind of stuff, consider the source (someone who at all costs must be in the right & build himself up by tearing someone else down), realize that what he's saying is pure fiction, know that anyone who knows me doesn't beleive a word of it, and move on. But when it hurts my children that makes me angry. And I also discovered the reason behind the break-up. While making the deal for college age son's first car the Ex also made a deal to hook up with the seller of said car. That hurt. It still hurts. Ouch. Pain and Anger, two very bad companions I intend to leave behind in the new year. The fact that he continues to text me randomly as well as on holidays as if we are still BFFs shows me he also thinks I'm stupid. Not. Hopefully the fact that college age son and daughter both returned the gift cards he sent them for Christmas will get through to him that no one wants his charity (part of what he's saying is that he basically supported us for 8 years..clearly why I had to work 3 jobs). And this will be the very last time I ever mention him again.
Work-wise I am in a much better place. I've settled into my permanent area, Pediatric emergency and have begun to forge good work relationships with the staff there. I actually got a very high compliment from my hospital supervisor last night, she said "they love you in PEDS and it looks great" Considering the joint commission on hospitals is due to inspect us next month this is a big deal. My school job is also pretty much stress free this year. So much better than last school year!!
I have had some health things going on. On the upside as of two days ago I have dropped 30 much needed pounds due to all the walking around I get at the hospital! My blood pressure is back to normal, my heart rate is excellent, and I feel good. My cholesterol is still high but a prescription for Lipitor is getting that back on track. My hospital likes you to have all the routine tests for your insurance so I recently had my first colonoscopy and I am extremely grateful that I did. A polyp was removed and while it was benign it was also unusual so a follow up scope next year is on the schedule. I have a routine mammogram this coming week and the big one is I am scheduled for carpal tunnel surgery a week from tomorrow. The right arm first then if it is healing well two weeks later the left. The downside to this news is that I will be on recovery from the hospital job for a month and once my few days of PTO run out I will be without a paycheck. Ouch. However the aftercare director at school is going to hire me to work temporarily three  hours a day (so the business manager doesn't go crazy that I exceed the 8 hour limit) while I am on leave of absence from the hospital. I don't have to use my arm at all for that job and all the lifting etc. that is required for the cafeteria job will be done by my assistant. Paperwork I can take care of with one hand. So a little income coming in in addition to the cafeteria paycheck will cover gas & insurance costs. My oldest son has already offered to help out if I need it and of course adult son who lives at home will contribute the regular towards utilities. My last paycheck of this year will take care of the mortgage, the tv bill, and the homeowners insurance and put a little cushion in the checking account.
Knowing this was coming up I was frugal with Christmas expenses although happily it was the same 'sized' Christmas as it has always been.
I had to work at the hospital Christmas Day and I was very sad about that. But all of my children except middle daughter and her family came for Christmas Eve and I spent Christmas morning before work with Middle Daughter and her family. So all in all it was something to be thankful for.
I will be working tonight until 11:30 and then stopping at my neighbor and dear friend V's house to raise a glass to the New Year. I can't say enough good things about V. She has been my rock the last four months. Getting me out and about, listening patiently to my boo-hoo-ing, serving worms for my pity parties, and giving sage advice. When God gave her son to my oldest son as a 'brother from another mother' and best friend he also gifted me with her. A truly special gift.
So goodbye horrible 2015 and welcome what I am determined will be an awesome 2016.