Saturday, April 18, 2015

Limping along....

Clip Art of a Hurt and Limping Red Haired Woman with a Cast, Using ...No I have not suffered a tragic accident to my leg (and if I had I would NOT miss work, we've all seen how that works out). The budget is what is limping along here. I received my first  newer, lower, pay amount. I paid my car payment and the remainder is in the bank waiting for my car insurance to be deducted. These two items will use up almost the entire amount of the check. <sigh> However I hung on to anything extra from the last paycheck so we have a small backup amount in the checking account. I placed a phone call to DirectTV and got our bill lowered by $10 a month, a small amount but every little bit counts. Adult son also deposited his contribution to the finances in my checking account and the utilities have been paid. One item that was due that I didn't have in the checking was my city income taxes. I transferred the amount from my savings and wrote the check. So all the April bills are paid (or will be deducted) and we have a grand total of $109.
I am working the cleaning job today so I will have some cash handy for gas and in case we need it but we have plenty of food and  all the cleaning supplies we need. I am doing two Make & Take classes with some of the kids in the Aftercare program I work so this will generate a small amount of money as well.
I have filled out a couple more applications as well, one for a seasonal position and one for a full time childcare position. Too soon to hear back from either of these. None of the other applications I have filled out have generated any interest. It is very discouraging. I am trying hard to stay positive and trust that something will happen here. I began the application process for SNAP but frankly it is so confusing that I cannot see how anyone ever would want to do this. For example it wants the amount of financial aide my two college age kids receive in a monthly amount. First of all it doesn't come monthly and second they never see that money, it goes directly to the college. And there is no where on the application to explain that my hourly salaries only cover 36 weeks of work a year, not 52. I have decided that unless we get super desperate and I am unable to pick up either another part time job or something else permanent I am not even going to bother finishing this. Much easier to work and buy my own groceries.
I hate sounding so negative too but right now I am in a bad place despite vowing to live more positively.  Ugh.


  1. Nancy, have you used the on line snap estimator? A few ywars ago, when then DH was laid off, I applied for snap. Even though the over 18 y.o. ived at home, she wasn't counted as a family member in the calculations. Also, my 10 month salary? I was told to prorate it over 12 months. We were denied because I was still employed, even tho I wasn't receiving any checjs over the Summer. do you have a local social services dept in your town? I turned to ours, and was given a gc to the IGA and was able to shop the food pantry. what about TNEF? temporary need elible families (or something like that)?

  2. here's a link to Ohio social services

    energy assistance is there, which i forgot about

  3. I did use the estimator and according to that we will qualify. I will keep the utility assistance in mind for next winter if needed. I also went to the Cleveland food bank website and see that they will help fill out the application forms with you so I may do that. Thanks Carol for taking the time to look up that link.
