One of the projects I've been meaning to get to this summer was a total clean out of the two built in bookshelves on either side of my fireplace. I love books and my home is filled with them. They had gotten a bit out of hand lately with books just stacked on the floor behind our tv and stacked on top of other books lined up on the cubby shelves above our mantle. In addition we had a full set of encyclopedias with year books from the mid 1960s just taking up room in one of the book cases and another set of Time Life Countries around the world from the same time frame in the second bookshelf. It was time for these books to go so the first thing I did was clear these off the shelves and box them. Sadly after a few phone calls I discovered I can't even give these away anywhere. The boxes will go out to the tree lawn on the next trash day. Maybe the recycling truck will take them (I'd feel better about that then just seeing them go to the dump). I removed all the books that were stacked on top of other books in the cubbies, removed all books from the bookshelves (working one side at a time), wiped down the shelves, then neatly placed all the books in the shelves. These are pretty deep so the paperbacks are two rows to a shelf. Beleive it or not this little project took up the better part of Tuesday afternoon. But I'm pretty pleased with the results

In case you are wondering, yes I still have a lighted pine garland on the fireplace. I just love how it looks so much in the evening that I didn't put it away after Christmas. And as you can see by photo number one I now have a small pile of wood for the fireplace and a wicker basket with books in it next to the fireplace instead of stacks of books piled on the floor behind it.
I finished my Tuesday project day with a continued clean out and shredding of old mail that has piled up as well as taking down and laundering all the dining room and living room curtains, the throw pillows on the couches, and the throw blankets as well.
It was a really productive day!
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