June is giving us a taste of 'dog days' early with temperatures this week being in the high 80s and yesterday reaching all the way to 95 degrees. I have to admit I was not ready for this yet since just last weekend the highs were in the mid 60s. I dug out the two box fans for the dining room windows from the cellar and cleaned them and set them in the windows, had adult son haul up the huge round commercial fan he bought a couple of years ago up to the living room and cleaned it off, and set up a small oscillating fan in the kitchen ( I still need to dig out the window fan for this area). The only A/C in this old house is the window unit adult son has in his bedroom, purchased by himself and for which he pays the extra electric useage. He works laying flooring and by the end of a hot summer day he needs that A/C. I grew up in a house without A/C until I was in high school and have lived in this house almost 30 years. I can do without this luxury in the summer months. On average there are only a handful of days that are truly miserable each year and most times being only 1/4 of a mile away from the lake we stay pretty comfortable heatwise (humidity is another thing, ugh). I also sleep in the attic, the hottest part of the house, but no insulation means any A/C would be wasted up there. I have the windows all open, two oscillating floor fans going, and before I retire for the night I take a cool shower and slide into cotton jammies still wet. Once asleep I generally stay that way (although last night I woke at 4 am with a bad headache, I took two Aleve, then sat with a cold wet wash cloth against the back of my neck and forehead before adjusting the fans to blow at the bed and going back to sleep). Cold drinks in the form of a pitcher of filtered water, juices, and lemonade and koolaide are available from the fridge at all times and plenty of ice cubes in the freezer as well. Frankly after the wicked cold winter we had I welcome the heat.
Since all the kidlets were elsewhere last night it was just me for dinner. No sense in cooking in this heat. I went off the menu plans and put together a nice salad of spring greens, broccoli slaw, shredded carrots, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, gorgonzola cheese, and faux crabmeat dressed with homemade White Balsamic Italian Vinagrette.
On the side was delicious hunk of Italian bread with Smart balance. Dessert was a bowl of cherries.
Almost the perfect summer meal.
We were also "blessed" with 90+ weather on Monday and Tuesday. I hate the heat & humidity summer brings. Probably because it literally makes me ill. :( And yes, I also hate the cold & snow, especially the kind we endured this winter. I will forever refer to it as the winter from hades.