And we are in to fish fry season as well. However this year I have very little to do beyond putting away their food delivery and clearing out of the way on Fridays.
Wednesday was the beginning of Lent and as practicing Catholics my family observes the dietary restrictions that go along with this. After much thought I chose this year to not only sacrifice something but to really try to set a meaningful spiritual goal as well. I will not be eating fast food, junk food, or soda pop. All good things for my body. My goal is from Matthew 5:44 "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". Now I can't think of anyone as an 'enemy' per se and I try not to feel persecuted (despite it being fish fry season, lol) but there are those folks with whom I do not see eye to eye and who I may not care for and who may not care for me. I am making a conscious effort to include extra prayer every day and to remember those people. Doing something good for my soul.
Even though I have not had time to blog I have made March menus and done my March grocery shopping. Details to follow!
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