We continue to have a roof over our heads and food on the table and reliable transportation. Family and friends to support and love and laugh with us. And of course a continuing relationship with my GF.
2013 wasn't all good. We had to say goodbye suddenly and unexpectedly to a dear family member. There was bad news concerning the health of yet another family member and a few very scary days when youngest grandson was born 9 weeks ahead of schedule. We had a tree come down in the storm that the repercussions of could mess with my delicate financial state yet. We had water flood the cellar not once but twice. One of my daughter's is fighting a difficult battle with addiction.
But even most of the bad had its silver lining. My BIL with cancer continues his fight and so far things look ok there. My grandson was a real trouper and came home way sooner than any of us expected and is thriving. We are hopeful the owners of the house next door will allow us to fix the problems with the fence ourselves for a minimal cost. And yesterday we had the city out again and this time they had no troubles snaking out the drain from the street and all the water is finally gone and the hot water tank is lighting so there is hope that once it is dry it will stay lit and if not a new thermocouple is under 20 dollars and GF can show adult son how to replace one. And my daughter is working the program, staying clean and sober, and really making positive changes in her life that will be a benefit to her. I am so proud that she has been able to pick herself up and get the help she needed and be so honest about it with everyone.
My prayer on this last day of 2013 is that God will enter our homes and our lives and help to take away the worries and the illnesses that have darkened our lives this year. May we all have the strength to deal with whatever bad comes our way in 2014 and also the joy to celebrate all that will be good.
Happy New Year my friends.
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