The beginning of a new month at work is always a bit stressful for me. Despite a two week window in which to return payment and lunch tickets I had a large number of families fail to do so until the last minute. Several of them confessed to losing the paperwork underneath piles of other things that came home because they had so much time to get things back to me. The solution to this is easy, in November they will have half the time to return these things for December lunches and hopefully that will alleviate some of the last minute confusion we experienced on Friday. It is difficult to guesstimate just how many students will appear without notice expecting to be fed. I made an entire case of burgers and luckily (due to the absence of a few students who had ordered lunch) I was able to feed everyone who needed a lunch the hot lunch. I do have an emergency backup lunch plan, a 2 oz cheese stick, a small loaf of whole grain cornbread, veggie of the day, fruit of the day, and milk (all of which meets serving size and type requirements of the NSLP) in the event I do not have enough hot lunch to feed everyone who needs to be fed. Most students follow the rule to let the kitchen know first thing in the morning if they've forgotten a lunch at home but I always get those 'surprise' guests whose parents 'thought' they'd ordered a lunch for that day, those students who just think they are exempted from the early notice rule, and those who fail to remember it is a new month despite several verbal reminders during the days before the first lunch service of a new month. <sigh>
In any case in addition to the extra work stress I was fighting off a head cold all week. Lots of sneezing, early morning stuffy sinuses, and afternoon headaches were the warning signs. I immediately began dosing myself with chewable Airborne tablets, taking Aleve for the headaches, and making sure I got to bed on time. This morning (after running a fever last evening) I am feeling pretty good. The stuffy sinuses are gone, I got an extra hour of sleep (thank you Standard Time), and no more sneezing! I will continue with the Airborne tabs this week and then start taking my usual daily dose of Echinacea for the winter. A flu shot is also on my to-do list this week. Hoping to get that done today at Target's pharmacy.
As far as my evening goals with the fight for my health going on I was pretty exhausted by the time I hit home. I didn't even make dinner on Monday night with college age daughter and I picking up calzones from a local pizza joint. Tuesday night I did cook, a quick pasta carbonara Florentine for myself and sons and laundry done but none of the cleaning/special jobs I'd planned on. Wednesday night I got a lot done but none of it was at home. GF and I had invited friends back to his house after the final Marching Band performance of our respective kids high school careers and it needed some serious cleaning. GF bought me dinner out then we set to cleaning together. The house looked great when we were done but of course I got not one single thing accomplished at home. Thursday was Halloween and I joined oldest son and his wife and her parents for our annual pizza dinner/candy hand out at their house.
Friday of course began the weekend. Football & fun on Friday, yesterday I worked my bi-monthly cleaning job in the morning and spent the afternoon/evening nursing my fever and cold symptoms. I did manage to put together a nice dinner of Swedish meatballs over egg noodles and green beans on the side despite feeling like a wrung out dishrag.
So THIS week I will attempt to keep to the evening goals I set myself LAST week with one exception. On Monday I will take down our Halloween decorations and replace them with our Thanksgiving ones.
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