Mondays: I will de-clutter the main floor; clean kitchen including mopping the floor, dust, Swiffer, and vacuum the dining room and living room. I figure this should take about 90 minutes after we have dinner. I can accomplish these things while also keeping an eye on DWTS which I enjoy on Monday nights.
Tuesdays: I will de-clutter the upstairs hallway, sweep and Swiffer the staircase and upstairs hall; clean the bathroom ; do my laundry including sheets on my bed
Wednesday: Special cleaning day, this week I will take down the dining room lace curtains and wash them; while they are washing and drying I will FINALLY put up the window insulation for winter in both the dining room and living room.
Thursdays: Free day to putz around or just catch up on DVR'd tv shows. This week is Halloween, I am going directly to son's house from work.
I am also thinking ahead to the week I have off at Thanksgiving time. My sister wants to go to PA and visit my MIL the weekend before Thanksgiving and we may do this but the rest of the week I want to get some Christmas baking started and the house shipshape for Christmas decorating. My holiday goal is to make this as stress free a holiday as possible. The last two years I have let the baking wait until the last minute (and by last minute I mean baking on Christmas morning), this will not happen this year. GF and I have already started talking about shopping and we do plan to get out on Black Friday for the terrific sales at a local outlet mall. We are also eyeballing sale ads for local stores and some of the kids have even given us gift ideas already which is very helpful. And I made our first official Christmas gift purchase last week when I bought two books for my 5 year old grandson at the Scholastic Book Fair at school!
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