Then I read my meter and sent in the reading. Where it gets very odd is when I got my July bill. Well I actually received THREE bills. All with different amounts. I went 'green' with the electric company last year and get my bills via email. The first bill I opened was an ACTUAL reading and claimed I had a credit of $100.64. Ah ha, apparently for all those months before I started reading my own meter when I insisted to the electric company they were overcharging me (especially last November when I was without power for an entire week due to Sandy) I was right and they were , well, wrong, when they insisted their estimates were 'good'.
The next 'bill' I opened claimed a credit amount of $60.63. Huh? The final bill I opened was a credit of $32.72. I was perplexed to say the least. Then I started to read them in depth and realized that instead of just crediting me the entire amount of money they went back three months and divided what they considered my actual usage by three, then subtracted each useage amount for each month's 'credit' amount.
I am making no attempt to even try to understand why their billing department would handle it this way.
The upside is I had to pay $0 this month and I have a $32.72 credit going towards my August bill!!!
Egads! It really shouldn't be THAT complicated! Around here, as well as in the South (SC to be exact), there is a co. truck that drives around and is somehow able to "read" the meters that way. Technology is there, folks. Sheeh! Good thing that ultimately you were credited.