Yesterday was quite the rollercoaster. I started out feeling really good about my financial picture. I've cut down on expenses, have a plan in place, and am meeting my goals more or less. I spent a good couple of days getting some necessary chores around the house done and holiday decorations packed away. While I indulged in a small amount of expenditure for some storage and lighting items I felt my budget could afford that. I had money in the bank for the big bills that were due and Friday was payday but when I went to check my bank account my direct deposit was no where to be found. A couple of phone calls to the bank and then to work and I was handed the bad news. Work lost my time card so I wasn't getting paid. I verbally gave the office manager my hours for the last time period but she said the best she could do was add these hours to my next paycheck. <sigh> This means waiting two more weeks. <sigh> On the upside I still had money in the bank to cover the big bills that were due (mortgage, car payments, insurances, tv, and gas bills), I have plenty of food in the house, my car was just filled on Wednesday, I have a small amount in the bank after bill paying, and I can look forward to earning some cash next week at my cleaning job and my middle son will be paying in his rent/insurance money to me next Friday. I spent about five minutes boohooing to myself before I decided things could be a lot bleaker and at least when I do get paid in two weeks it will be a nice sum of money. Things like my light bill, my internet bill, and my loan payment aren't due until then anyway. I was just planning on getting them out of the way early. So unless we have a major disaster (knock on wood) we will be ok. My gentleman friend was nice enough to say that if any disasters occur I can turn to him. It is nice to be offered the safety net but I am determined to be able to stand on my own two feet.
I brushed myself off and paid those bills then finished undecorating the Christmas tree and getting ready for it to be hauled out to the tree lawn. Then I made myself a nice frugal breakfast,

using the planned over rice from Thursday's night dinner and adding a small amount of sugar, milk, and cinnamon I popped it all in the microwave to warm up and voila I had my mom's breakfast rice!
On a happier note I had dinner plans well in hand intending to try out a new recipe from a new Gooseberry Patch cookbook I received for Christmas,

for Hobo Stew. Dinner turned out to be just myself and my gentleman friend at his house. And I am happy to say it was a hit. I tweaked the recipe by adding some Italian seasoning to the meatball portion and a can of corn to the whole thing to make it a bit heartier . My gentleman friend and I agreed that this is a keeper!
Hobo Stew
Jessica Minor, Lawrence KS
Gooseberry Patch's Slow Cooking All Year Round
1 lb. ground beef
1 1/2 t salt, divided
1/2 t pepper, divided
4 potatoes, peeled and cubed
4 carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
1 onion, cut into chunks
1 c. ketchup
1 c. water
1 T. vinegar
1/2 t. dried basil
(I added one can corn, drained and 1 tsp. Italian seasoning)
In a bowl combine ground beef, half the salt and pepper (and Italian seasoning) and mix well. Shape into one inch balls and in a skillet over medium heat brown on all sides ( I put mine on a baking sheet and into a 350 oven for 20 minutes to brown); drain. Place potatoes, carrots, onion (and corn) in a slow cooker; top with meatballs. In a small bowl combine ketchup, water, vinegar, basil and remaining salt and pepper and pour over meatballs. Cover and cook on high setting for 4-5 hours, until meatballs are cooked through and vegetables are tender. Serves 6 ( we got four helpings and two more leftover for lunch).
Gosh! that DOES sound good! thanks for sharing