It has been almost a month since I've had time to chat. Just as we were recovering from being without power I had a fall down some steps and dislocated my elbow which put my typing abilities to a slow and painful pecking with my right hand. Using only my right arm/hand made my carpal tunnel flair up and my hand go numb almost constantly. Not the best the situation to blog in.
Once the plaster splint came off it was time to travel. We spent a week with family in Kansas for the holidays and had a wonderful, if slightly more expensive, time than we'd planned on.
I had originally planned on a brief run down of my financial picture for October but will skip that in favor of November. November has not been kind, we had a deep reduction in income which I immediately got a handle on by cancelling some memberships that were luxuries and reconfiguring other adjustable budget items. I was just getting started looking at additional job options when the accident happened. I now need to focus on getting the arm back to 100% before pursuing an additional job. In the meantime all the bills got paid, my car had gas, we had plenty of food, and due to the generosity of my gentleman friend we still spent the holidays with out of town family. A reminder to me that God is good, all the time. I have a plan in place for the holidays and the next couple of months. The job search will start again in January dependent on how my arm is coming along.
This last week of November will focus on December menu planning and shopping . I barely spent anything in November but was lucky enough to be gifted with a fairly large turkey from a neighbor who does not cook and with yet another turkey from my gentleman friend's company which we will donate to the extended family Christmas dinner at my oldest son's house. The turkey that was already in my freezer is slated for this Saturday's dinner with leftovers already planned out.
Looking ahead at other finances for December I am going to be making a final payment on a credit card I have not been using but only paying off and then closing this account. I am very happy about this situation and will use that additional money to pay down a loan that I hope to pay off in February. Once that is accomplished I will be left with house and car payments, utilities and insurances, all standard expenses.
ReplyDeleteSorry to read of your troubles. Looks like things are working out ok for you and your family for now. Wise to reduce expenditures where you easily can and then tweak as needed. Reducing debt is never a bad thing either. I have spent quite a bit these last few months, as I opened a new chapter in my life, now as a single Mom with 2 still under my roof, 2 in college. Monies spent, for the most part, were planned and saved for with a few in the long run sensible, financially speaking, purchases such as my upright freezer, new car tires and oil change, etc. Due to my shoulder injury, I've had medical co-pays as well as additional expense of hired handyman and cleaning help as I am physically unable to do all that I want/need to. I'm improving, but it is a hit to my greater financial picture.
December has always been budget review time, and this year will probably be more important than ever,as my life expenses are settling. I've got my goals: stay out of debt beyond my 0% interest car loan; get thru the holidays on a modest budget, continue to put funds into savings for my next home, a Summer vacation, college funds, etc. Life throws us some curveballs doesn't it? I am blessed to have been able to navigate them fairly well. Sounds like you are doing the same.
Stay well.