And speaking of free time it has been packed with all kinds of things, birthday celebrations, a fun Halloween night at the zoo, shopping for the house with a good friend, and just some nice quite time with said friend. A little wine, a little tv, a lot of good conversation. I am happy and contented in this life.
And work fills in a LOT of my time. Working two jobs consumes most of the waking hours. And I am still doing the occasional Bake and Take with kids from school on nights I don't work the hospital.
I finally received the check from my two years of overtime from the school. I paid down the remaining balance of my car loan by half. The entire loan will be paid up by April if I make the usual payment, sooner if I add some extra each month.
I have also bought a few nice things for my house, some new dishes (the stoneware ones just became too heavy for me with my carpal tunnel issues), some small fall decorations, and a new vacuum after the old one totally died. And I have begun Christmas shopping with the purchase of a couple of books from the school book fair.
Not a lot of need for grocery shopping however. Most of my meals for my night job are leftovers or salads made at school. With the crazy schedule my kids have between work and school most of the time if I eat at home I am eating alone. Besides fresh produce, dairy, and some snacky items for the lunch box as well as things like laundry soap and toilet paper. This in itself is a change.
And leads to the next change. I have dropped 22 pounds since my prework checkup in August. I feel fantastic!!!! Change is good.